Naloxone resources for Kentucky First Responders and Law Enforcement
Naloxone Resources For Kentucky First Responders And Law Enforcement
Naloxone resources for Kentucky First Responders and Law
There are currently two grants that the Kentucky Pharmacists Association helps manage to supply Kentucky first responders, including law enforcement, with naloxone.For a wide variety of "first responders" (including Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement), if your agency is located in one of the counties shaded in red on the map below, you can request naloxone through the First Responders - Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (FR-CARA) grant.
For all other LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies in Kentucky, NOT included in the FR-CARA grant counties
The Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy has grant funds available to supply your agency with naloxone. For more details, including links to request naloxone, please click HERE.
Only KENTUCKY LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies are eligible to request naloxone through this grant.
At this time, there are no dedicated grants to provide naloxone to other first responder agencies outside of the FR-CARA covered region. It is recommended that you contact your local Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (KY-ASAP) board to see if they have any resources to provide naloxone for non law-enforcement first responders. If you do not know how to contact your local ASAP board, please visit: