Dose of Democracy: Weekly Legislative Update
- By: admin
- On: 03/15/2024 13:25:38
- In: Legislative Update
Senate Bill 188
Senator Max Wise's (R-Campbellsville) comprehensive PBM reform bill passed the Banking & Insurance Committee by a unanimous vote yesterday and was sent to the Rules Committee as a consent order. Already having two readings, SB 188 is due for consideration on the Senate floor; however, the bill has not yet been posted to the Orders of the Day.
Click here to read SB 188
Personalize and send a message to your Senator
Ask your patients to personalize and send messages to their Senators
Direct patients to the above link by clicking the banner on the KPhA homepage or by scanning the QR codes on these printables (1 | 2 | 3 - requires color printing)
House Bill 274
Following its passage by the Health Services Committee this week, Representative Danny Bentley's (R-Russell) bill granting pharmacists authority to immunize patients ages 5 and older per protocol has also been given two readings in the Senate. HB 274, therefore, is also due to be considered on the Senate floor but is not posted to the Orders of the Day.
As the General Assembly looks to single-digit days remaining in this legislative session, lawmakers are gearing up for their busiest days of the year and have rearranged the session calendar. The House and Senate chambers will not gavel into session next week until Thursday afternoon. Since both of these bills are awaiting floor votes, updates between now and next Thursday may be limited. This is not a sign of lost momentum, but part of the legislative process, especially during budget sessions.
The beginning of next week, although it may seem quiet, will be a crucial time for your continued advocacy! Legislators will be in Frankfort to attend committee meetings and receive messages from constituents. KPhA will be at work for you, but we also remind you that your own voice is vital, now and always!