
HB 274 Reaches Final Passage in the General Assembly

HB 274 Reaches Final Passage in the General Assembly
House Bill 274 to allow pharmacist immunization authority for patients ages five and up passed in the Senate today. This legislation represents a crucial step forward in addressing patient access and providing equitable, quality healthcare to every Kentuckian. 

First, we thank Representative Danny Bentley (R-Russell) and Senator Stephen Meredith (R-Leitchfield) for shepherding this bill through the legislative process. This win for our profession and our patients would not have been possible without our own Rep. Bentley introducing leading the bill to unanimous passage in the House earlier this session, or without Sen. Meredith's fierce advocacy for rural healthcare access carrying the torch in the Senate in recent weeks.

The passage of HB 274 acknowledges vaccine equity issues, especially in our rural counties, and amends current state law to allow Kentucky licensed pharmacists to provide childhood immunizations under a prescriber-authorized protocol to patients aged five and above. This legislation increases access to care for the children and families across the Commonwealth who need it most and creates an opportunity for our profession to meet the needs of our communities. 

"When you see a problem, you fix a problem, and the problem Kentucky is facing is a public health crisis in regard to childhood vaccinations," said Senator Stephen Meredith before his vote from the floor this morning. CDC data illustrates that Kentucky's rates of essential childhood vaccinations are lower than those in five of our seven surrounding states and lower than the national average, likely attributable to our state's shortage of healthcare providers. Senator Meredith added, "According to the American Board of Pediatrics, 51 of our 120 counties in Kentucky do not have a general pediatrician, so it stands to reason that we would be lower in our vaccination rate, but what we are blessed with are community pharmacists. 90 percent of Americans live within five miles of community pharmacists."

"As HB 274 awaits the Governor's signature, its passage marks a significant victory for our patients and underscores Kentucky's position as a nationwide leader in the advancement of the pharmacy practice," says KPhA Executive Director Ben Mudd. "To our membership and tireless advocates who believe wholeheartedly in our profession and never waver in our responsibility to always put patients first, thank you. A great deal of HB 274's passage belongs to you and our collective power as an Association."

Click here to read HB 274 in full.



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