
KPhA President Dr. Brooke Hudspeth to Testify in Support of HB 274

KPhA President Dr. Brooke Hudspeth will testify today, February 1, at noon during the Health Services Committee, chaired by Representative Kimberly Moser (R-Kenton), in favor of HB 274: legislation that would allow pharmacists to vaccinate individuals down to age 3 under a prescriber-approved protocol.  

Representative Danny Bentley (R-Russell) filed HB 274, which would amend KRS 315 to grant pharmacists immunization authority for patients ages 3. The KPhA Government Affairs Team's hard work at the Capitol and effective coalition building resulted in a swath of bi-partisan support as HB 274 now has 19 co-sponsors. The bill is expected to be amended in committee today to reflect a compromise with other stakeholders and healthcare providers. The committee substitute will bring the immunization age in the bill from age 3 up to 5 years old.  


The passing of this legislation would codify a portion of the PREP Act provision, allowing pharmacists to continue their essential role in providing access to care for children across Kentucky. Under the PREP Act, pharmacists were called upon to provide childhood immunizations to children aged 3 years and older to help improve access to care. This authority expired with the end of the declared public health emergency, thus blocking a critical access point for childhood vaccinations. House Bill 274 codifies a practice that pharmacists across the state have been performing for the past four years, ensuring patient access to care that children and their parents have come to expect.

You can watch Dr. Hudspeth's testimony live on KET.



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