KORE Data Reporting


KORE is funded through a federal grant from SAMHSA. Agencies distributing KORE naloxone are required to collect and report distribution data. In addition, each agency is responsible for ensuring that all participating staff are trained on the agency’s policies and procedures for overdose education and naloxone distribution.
Agencies should submit reports at least ONCE per MONTH

Agencies should also ensure they have submitted all distribution data prior to requesting more naloxone

Naloxone distribution data include:
  • Date of distribution
  • Zip code of residence
  • Race / Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Experience with naloxone
  • Product given
  • Quantity given
  • Whether product was placed in a naloxone box / kiosk or vending machine

How to collect and report naloxone distribution data: To assist with data collection and reporting, there are a variety of tools, both digital and physical, that can be used.

Option 1:  ReadyOp

 ReadyOp is a free, easy-to-use digital data submission tool. Follow the steps below to get started:
  1. Register your agency program with ReadyOp by clicking here. Once approved by KORE, a customized ReadyOp link for data collection will be sent to your email.
  2. Bookmark and share the link with program staff who will be distributing naloxone.
  3. Use the link to enter distribution data for each person who receives naloxone.
ReadyOp Tips
  • The ReadyOp link will be sent to your email within 48 hours. Be sure to check your spam folders.
  • The link will be unique to the agency and program. If your agency has multiple programs or facilities that are separately requesting and distributing naloxone, each agency program should register with ReadyOp separately. Do not share links between agencies or programs, as this may result in inventory being inaccurately calculated.
  • The link can be used by multiple people within the same agency program.
  • The link will expire on June 30, 2024 and a new link will be sent to the registered email address on July 1, 2024.
  • The link can be bookmarked to the home screen on mobile devices and function like an app.
  • Internet service is required to use the mobile app.
  • There will be an option to email yourself a copy of the form after each submission.

  • The form will look like this on your device

Option 2: Paper data collection

If you prefer to use a physical, printed form to collect naloxone distribution data, you can print the PDF linked on this page. The PDF has two pages that can either be printed full size or two to a page (cut apart).

Follow the steps below to get started:
  1. Print the form as a full size or two to a page. Two to a page is recommended and should be cut in half.

    Printable Data Collection Form
  2. Submit data via ReadyOp (see Option #1 above)
  3. Submit data via email by downloading the Excel spreadsheet linked on this page, completing it, and emailing it as an attachment to kore@kphanet.org

    Excel Data Template Spreadsheet

Option 3: REDCap

If your agency is currently reporting naloxone distribution data via REDCap, please continue to do so. If your agency has been consistently reporting via spreadsheet, there are some changes to the data that you may not yet be collecting.
If you have any questions at all about the data reporting requirements or tools, please contact Jody Jaggers at jjaggers@kphanet.org