Board Authorized Protocols

201 KAR 2:380 authorizes the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy to review and approve advanced practice protocols for pharmacist use.

Recent updates to 201 KAR 2:380 require pharmacies to submit all fully executed protocols to the newly established protocol registry prior to their use. To submit a protocol to the registry, email the fully executed protocol to or fax to 502-696-3806. 
Note: immunization and naloxone protocols are not authorized under 201 KAR 2:380 and, therefore, do not require submission to the board.

Resourses and/or Education Opportunities for the Current Board-Authorized Protocols:

Check back later for education and resources for the follow protocols: 
  • Acute Influenza
  • Acute Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis Infection
  • Self-Care Conditions Protocol Over the Counter Dietary Supplement Protocol
  • Self-Care Conditions Protocol Diabetes Testing and Injection Supplies
  • Anaphylaxis Treatment Protocol for Emergency Epinephrine Injection Devices
  • Self-Care Conditions Protocol Diabetes Testing Supplies
  • Self-Care Conditions Protocol Over-the-Counter Probiotics
  • Tobacco Cessation Protocol
  • Tuberculin Skin Testing One-Step Protocol
  • Tuberculin Skin Testing Two Step Protocol

For quick access to clinical guidelines, please visit Guideline Central at

Visit the 
Advancing Pharmacy Practice in Kentucky Coalition page to learn of their continued efforts and to access additional continuing education resources.