
FDA Approves Naloxone for OTC Sales

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that naloxone 4 mg nasal spray product will be available for patients and caregivers to purchase without a prescription. This important medication, which reverses the effects of opioid overdose and has saved countless lives in Kentucky and across the nation, will now be more accessible to those that need it most.

“Pharmacists and pharmacy practices across Kentucky who have participated in the Naloxone Statewide Protocol have been, and will continue to be, instrumental in helping patients access naloxone and other supportive therapies to help reduce the risk of an opioid-related overdose. Pharmacies are highly accessible, critical access points that allow patients, caregivers, and families to connect with their trusted pharmacist to learn more about naloxone and the risk associated with opioid medications,” says KPhA Executive Director Ben Mudd.

While the timeline for availability and pricing for over-the-counter access to naloxone has yet to be determined by the manufacturer, pharmacies looking to allow for naloxone dispensing under the statewide standing order can find out more information by contacting KPERF Director of Clinical Education Martika Martin.



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