
Pharmacy Enrollment Request for KPERF Colorectal Cancer Screening Grant

The first pharmacist-led colorectal cancer (CRC) screening via a non-invasive stool-based test in the nation recently occurred at Capital Pharmacy & Medical Equipment in Frankfort, Kentucky, last month. In a significant show of support, the Kentucky Association of Health plans (KAHP) awarded Kentucky Pharmacists Education and Research Foundation a $50,000 grant to expand access to these life-saving screenings throughout Kentucky.
With the grant funds, the Foundation is launching a pilot program to incentivize SIX Kentucky pharmacies to implement the Board-authorized protocol screening and increase public awareness of pharmacists providing this service. Affording patients more flexibility and access to preventative care through the CRC protocol equips pharmacists with another opportunity to save lives. 

Submit the enrollment form by Friday, December 16, 2022, for consideration into the CRC pilot program.

Pharmacies enrolled in the program will be asked to screen an average of ten (10) patients per month for nine (9) months or until grant funds run out. Each pharmacy will be allotted an estimated $6,900 for reimbursement for screenings, $100 for marketing, and $100 for the required pharmacist CRC education if needed. The six pharmacies will be selected based on their readiness, the expectation that they can see ten patients per month, their geographical location in Kentucky, and the needs of their community.

We are excited to share the resources and data showing the impact Kentucky pharmacists have made through the CRC screening pilot program. We hope to expand this life-saving screening to all pharmacies in our state and beyond.

Regardless of whether you are selected to participate in the grant, we remain steadfast in our commitment to colorectal cancer screening and will provide you and your pharmacy with the needed resources to implement the protocol. Likewise, if you are not interested in participating in the pilot program but would like assistance in implementing the CRC screening Board-authorized protocol at your own pace, please fill out this form and indicate this in question number 15. 

For any questions, please get in touch with Emily Wilkerson at



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