
144th Annual Meeting Saw Highest Number of Attendees in Years

What an uplifting weekend. After all our reconnecting, restoring, and reimagining, the KPhA staff, needed a break. I imagine all our attendees did, too. We hope you were able to rest and bottle up some positive energy released at our Annual Meeting to draw from the rest of the year.

Thanks to our sponsors, vendors, presenters, attendees, and families who joined us in Lexington last weekend. After four days of fellowship, fun, and some of the best CE we've had to date, we feel empowered and prepared to tackle whatever comes our way. Remember, we are stronger together, and KPhA believes in you and our profession wholeheartedly.

For those who were unable to attend, we missed you! Please go ahead and mark your calendars for 2023's Annual Meeting, slated for June 8-10 in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

For those of you who were in attendance, we are eager to get your feedback. Please keep your eyes out for a separate survey so we can ensure next year is even better.

Lastly, we installed and welcomed our new board of directors and officers for 2022-2023. The entire board is listed below. 

2022-2023 KPhA Board of Directors
Chair: Cathy Hanna
President: Misty Stutz
President-Elect: Brooke Hudspeth
Secretary: Ronnah Alexander
Treasurer: Chris Killmeier
Past-President Representative: Joel Thornbury

Lakin Mills
Kyle Harris
Steve Hart
Lance Mansfield
Cory Smith
Scotty Reams
Emma Sapp
Alan Webb
Lauren Williams, UK COP Student Representative
Jenna Brophy, SUCOPHS Student Representative
Speaker of the House: Kyle Bryan
Vice Speaker of the House: Nicole Barratiere



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