
Nominations Now Being Accepted for the 2024 KPhA Board of Directors

The Kentucky Pharmacists Association is seeking Board Nominations for President-Elect, Secretary, and three Board of Director positions for the Kentucky Pharmacists Association. You are invited and encouraged to become involved in OUR profession by applying for a leadership position with KPhA or nominating a colleague that KPhA should consider for a seat on the Board.

Please submit your nominations by completing the online form by Friday, 
February 9, 2024. Please include your resume or CV, a short bio (100 words or 2-3 short paragraphs), a headshot photo, and a statement on why you want to run for office or nominate an individual. 
President-Elect (one-year term):
Position description: 
The President-Elect shall serve an additional year as President and then as Chair of the Board of Directors, respectively, for a total three-year commitment. In the absence of the President, all powers and duties shall be assumed by the President-Elect. The President-Elect shall oversee the nomination process with the assistance of the Organizational Affairs Committee and encourage members of the Association to serve as officers. 

Secretary (two-year term):
Position description: 
 The Secretary shall be responsible for records of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and House of Delegates. The Secretary shall serve as Chair of the Credentials Committee of the House of Delegates.  In the absence of the Speaker and Vice-Speaker of the House, the Secretary shall call meetings of the House to order and serve until the election of a pro-tem presiding officer.  In the absence of the Chair of the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall call meetings of the Board of Directors to order and serve until the election of a pro-tem presiding officer.

Board of Directors (three positions open for a term of three years each):
Position Description: 
The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following voting members: The Immediate Past President, who shall serve as Chair; the President; the President-Elect; the Secretary; the Treasurer; the Speaker of the House of Delegates; the Vice-Speaker of the House of Delegates; nine Directors; the President of any Kentucky Chapter of APhA-ASP, and a Past President of the Association. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held upon the call of the Chair, typically six per year, virtually or at the KPhA headquarters in Frankfort, KY. Any member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend two-thirds of the meetings of the Board annually without adequate excuse for absence may be dropped from Board membership by action of the Board of Directors.



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